
Thursday, November 19, 2020


 Kia Ora  I will tell you about my create for this week. This week for our create in reading was Think about the information and ideas in a text.
     #Use a range of decoding strategies when reading difficult words.The book that I read was called roosters revenge the book was interesting this is my create here it is!
have you ever had to ever summaries a story?

Sunday, September 20, 2020

My First Communion

 Hi welcome back to my blog and today i am making my first communion! If you don know what first communion is it is just like the bread and the wine the bread is Jesus´s body and the wine is Jesus´s blood.And I get to taste the body for the first time! The bread tastes like ice cream cone.  Here is what the bread and wine look like.have you ever had first holy communion?


Friday, August 28, 2020


 Hi and welcome back to my blog here is my marshmallow poem about the senses

     on the outside you look like

        .a fluffy pillow                                                            you smell like:                                                                                                                                       .heavenly goodness

      .some still jelly                                                             .a sugar cube

      .a powdery cloud                                                          .amazing just amazing

      you sound like:                                 you taste like:

     .really squishy                                                                   .sugary sweetness

     .crackly fire                                                                        .sticky like slime

     .soft pillow                                                                        .outside crackly

    you feel like:


    .a powdery cloud

    .a dessert

Do you like marshmallows?

God's Creation

 We have been learning about God's Creation and that it is holy because God made it.I can look after God's creation by:

 Not littering you do that by not throwing litter on the ground 

Try to use as least plastic as possible

Do not kill animals if you won't eat them

Here are my pictures of creation

Hope you enjoy bye!

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Steve and Malala

 this is the reading create task that we did this week.hope you enjoy!

Friday, August 7, 2020


This week we are learning what makes a quality blog comment and everyone did a comix strip here's mine.
hope you enjoy!

Thursday, August 6, 2020


this is my goal for this week and this week we did what we think of biographys here is my work and under it my goal.Goal: Evaluate the effectiveness of a text for its purposes.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020


This term in paiaka in pe we learnt about dodging and finding space.
Here is a video of interviewing about what we have to do my partner was Archie anyway here is the video:

Hope you like it!

Friday, June 26, 2020

my colage

Hi welcome back to my blog and I did a colage it was really fun because you use diffrent body parts from diffrent animals Here is the finished product.

Diamante poem

Here is my Diamante poem.....



hot toasty

crackling blazing roaring 

smoke flames cold wet

shivering freezing cooling

hard goosebumps


I hope you liked it! Have you done a Diamante poem before?

Friday, June 19, 2020

Word problems

Last week in maths I was learning about word problems if you don't know what a word problem is its just a math problem put into sentences heres a example that I did on a google doc!
hope you enjoy!

my bar graph

Hi welcome back in lockdown I did a bar graph on the chromebook on some fruits that includes bananas,kiwifruit,grapefruit,orange and red apple.Bananas got 6 which is the highest out all of them.
Here is a screenshot of my graph enjoy!

Thursday, June 18, 2020

cyber smart

This week in cyber smart we are learning about what to put on your blog and what not to put on your blog for things like your full name,address,your phone number.Tell me if you ever put something on your blog that you regret putting on there.

cyber smart

This week we are learning about what to put on your blog and what not to put on your blog so these are the sort of thing not to put on your blog things like what your parents wouldn't be impressed about.
Heres some work that I did for cyber smart:

about me.

Today I have been doing some work for school and it is all about me here is a screenshot of it.
I did it on google drawings and added photos on to it.Tell me if you have done something like this.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Lockdowns over!

Hi, welcome back, we're back at school, do you like being back? I sure am with all my friends and teachers, my old fantastic teacher called Mrs Simanu retired but now I have another nice teacher called Miss Gill. I have been doing a lot of cybersmart with Mark and I have been doing a lot of maths too!

I have been doing prototec, a basic facts practice.

If you have played, tell me how much % you got?

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Place Value Screencastify

Hi everyone,

I've made a screencastify on how to add three digit numbers using place value.

Here is the link

Thank you for watching!

Monday, April 20, 2020

Shape Patterns Term 2 Week 2

I made a shape photo for independent maths.
Here it is:

Friday, April 17, 2020

Maths Create for Term 2, Week 1

My goal was Week one: Maths:  Statistics investigation
 What is our favourite pet in the Paiaka Hub?

I made a tally chart and pictograph of Paiaka hub's favourite animals.

Writing Create for Term 2, Week 1

My goal was Write about my PBL service as a recount

Here is my plan and my recount about helping with my sister while mum was working. Before the lockdown I was going to go and help my aunty with her baby but I couldn't do that because we couldn't leave home.

Reading Create for Term 2, Week 1

My goal was  use simple text structure which is appropriate to purpose.

Here is my summary I wrote for reading.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Easters Here!

Hi! Welcome back to my blog, as you know it's Easter and to celebrate I did so much art my head is nearly exploding! For the blog I did a cute Easter chick. I wanted to do this one because I had the supplies to do it. I didn't have any paint to paint it so I used other materials to do it and I wanted to do the egg more than the painting. I used glue,glitter glue,googly eyes,a pen,a feather and this foam stuff.I got glue all over my fingers but it was totally worth it!I had to hard boil a egg before I decorated it.
Here's what  my egg looked like when it was finished:

I hope you have Happy Easter!
What Easter activities have you been up to?

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Zookeeper vs spy.

Today I had the choice of being a zookeeper or a spy I chose spy of course because at school me and my friend Ainsley spy on people. so you better watch out next time you are playing around at school!
I would rather be a spy than a zookeeper because zookeepers have to scoop up poop from the animals and spies are way cooler (they don't scoop up poop)! Spies also get to spy on people and that's way more fun than spending your day with a whole lot of stinky animals and spies also have cool cars too. I bet you zookeepers don't get paid a lot either but spies on the other hand probably get paid a lot.
What would you rather be a zookeeper or a spy?

Tuesday, April 7, 2020


Today is an art filled day with lots of art for me because I have done Easter crafts like an Easter bunny on my door and an Easter egg to put in the window for children walking to see. Do you know that I just earned my silver koru and it is the second highest badge in Brownies that you can get?! I can't believe I got the second highest badge in Brownies!

Also I just went on a small bike ride around the block.

Here is the art work I've made:

Monday, April 6, 2020

Covid-19 Lockdown

Today I made a hut that I am hanging out in right now. It is made out of a few chairs a mattress and a blanket I also have some books in here too. I will be doing some Art soon also. I've also been reading Beast Of Buckingham Palace. last night I was talking to my family on zoom some are in Africa or England and me and Dad went on a bilk ride to Walter park and back. It was hard to do signals because its pretty scary on your first day. I also have played with my brother Leo.
What have you been up to?

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Scavenger Hunt!

Today I had an alphabet scavenger hunt these are all the things I found:
Dinosaur (toy)
Elephant (toy)
Fidget spinner
Giraffe (toy)
Ice bag
Pig (toy)
Tiger (toy)
Van (toy)
X,mas tree
Y Toy
That's all the thing's I found with each letter of the alphabet.
Did you do an alphabet treasure hunt?

Friday, April 3, 2020


On the first day of the lockdown we were bored! So we decided to get crafty and we opened up the cupboard to get some art supplies. First we got two boxes for me and my brother Leo. We focused on the floor and walls, we put different paper on the floor and walls. Next we made a doorway. After we made little posters to decorate the walls. While I got two more for me and two more for Leo, then we started all again. Once we were done (which took two days) we got to finally play with it!

What have you been up to in the lockdown?

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Ice Cream

Last night I got a little job, it was making new ice cream flavours! The first day at work wasn't that good because I got splattered with the ice cream I was making, it went everywhere even in my hair! I got splattered because I forgot to put the lid on the blender, whoops. The boss came in shouting a lot of rude words at me and I felt like the biggest loser in the world.

Now I need to impress my boss so I've created a new flavour called Chocoberry Swirl which is chocolate and strawberry icecream mixed together. When I presented it my boss was really impressed so he put me out on the street so people could sample my new ice cream. This is what I shouted... "ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM FOR FREE!"

Whoever sampled it said "this is worth a million dollars!" So now I've got a big line in front of me.
"I'll give you a whole cone of it if you give me ten dollars?" I said. In the end I did make about a million dollars and my boss was super impressed and paid me all the money I made. Most of it I gave away to KidsCan but I did buy a lot of chocolate for myself.

I hope you enjoyed my story about inventing a new ice cream flavour. What is your favourite ice cream flavour?

Mystery Box

I've written this story about a mystery box....

I was in my room lying on my bed reading then poof!! I looked around I called out did "Anyone order a package because I sure didn't!"I leaped out of bed and approached it carefully I read of the side of it "Mystery Box" it said in bold letters.

I delicately pealed of the tap "huh?" I said nothing was in it except a note at the bottom and a few buttons this is what it said:

Picture a book, five of them that you love, particularly one page. Press the "Enter" button then BOOM you're there! Where will you go?

I already knew five of them my favorites!

1.The Beast of Buckingham palace

2.Gangsta Granny

3.The Worlds Worst Teachers

4.Dork Diaries Drama Queen

5.Dork Diaries Once upon a Dork

I chose Beast of Buckingham Palace. I climbed in the box and said "um I chose Beast of Buckingham palace the page where the boy's mum is being taken away" The box started to shake "Whoa!"it started
to go up,up,up I tried to poke my head out the top of the box but a strong force pulled me down.Then "ouch"it hit down on the ground with a thump.The next thing I knew I was in the broken down palace hall from the book "wow" I said with excitement "I am in my favorite book, I am in my favorite book" Then
the star in book limped towards me ( he's really sick) and he said "who are you and why are you here!?" I am here to help you get you'r mum back from being taken to the tower of London
punch,punch,punch I was having the time of my life punching the guards out most of them just
fell to the ground but one of them I think I knocked out (oops), now to Lord Protector! I grabbed one of the guard's guns, the one I knocked out, took there protection gear and we were on our way.
When we got to the ballroom Lord Protector was studying in a ancient book and he said "why are you out here so late Alfred? Who's..." before he could finish his sentence pow, pow, pow I shot at him. I think I killed him "oops"then the Mystery Box appeared again "bye" Alfred said "bye" I said as I climbed back into the Mystery Box. It started to shake and up, up and away. The next thing I knew I hit the floor back in my room then my mum came into my room "why are you sitting in a box? Anyway, time for dinner." I got back just in time for my favorite PIZZA!

I hope you enjoyed my story, which books are your favourite?

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Welcome Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga


Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.